Post by RichI am a college student and would one day like to be A&R or a Song
Plugger. Does anyone have any advise?
Get a job, any job, at a record company and work your way up. Be smart and
be attentive. Watch the guys who are on top and more importantly watch the
guys who never get ahead or constantly pick losers. Don't condescend to
anyone and keep track of everyone that you come in contact with. The kid
that delivers the coffee may have the same aspirations as you and will be a
better ally than an enemy in the future. Get out and be an active part of
the local and regional music scene even if it's nothing more than bar
hopping and buying musicians drinks. Be someone that everyone is glad to see
and don't become an asshole just yet. There's plenty of time for that later
after you earn some creds and become a record company exec. Read the trades
and keep up with current business affairs. Don't fuck a musician's,
girlfriend, sister or mother and oh yeah, one minor better have a good eye for raw talent.
Bob Walker