2014-11-03 22:49:40 UTC
No you're not. One time when I went to see them when I was a teenager over 20 years ago at Phil's Grandson in Waterloo they threw a pair of dirty socks at us from their tour van. The were just starting out back then and we were talking to them outside after their show. My friends and I were big music fans and I guess they thought we were groupies or something. I don't know why they thought that my friend was telling gord Downey she thought he had one of the most unique voices coming up in rock and roll. Not a bad comment for a 15 year old to make. She was trying to talk to him on a more equal footing since she herself was a singer. My younger 14 year old friend asked for their autograph. I guess she was a little more star struck. Anyways they didn't give her one instead the threw a pair of dirty socks at us while yelling some derogatory stuff. What a bunch of douche bags. Any song they have ever made is tainted for me with that occurrence. I have friends who are pretty big fans of theirs who say they are good just get over that. I just say nah there's nothing to get over they're a bunch of douche bags.